Light Touch
April 10, 2008
If you come to this blog, you are undoubtedly intellectually curious and most likely enjoy the learning of a new word. Now maybe this is old news for you, but this word was new to me. The word of the day is HAPTIC.
If you come to this blog, you are undoubtedly intellectually curious and most likely enjoy the learning of a new word. Now maybe this is old news for you, but this word was new to me. The word of the day is HAPTIC.
From where comes all this hostility? Ok, I get it. Architects can sometimes really infuriate people with a really confusing vocabulary – but to lash out at a really beautiful concept like “negative space” seems way over the top to me.
Do you need different skills to look at sculpture than you do to look at painting? Does it help for you to look at Architecture in the ways you appreciate sculpture? What can be learned from Dance in the appreciation of buildings? Can these skills be learned? If so, what is the benefit?